Open Problems
Here's a (semi)organized list of open problems that have tickled my fancy. Some are probably doable, and some are definitely not.
Communication Complexity
1. Number-on-Forehead lifting
Are there lifting theorems for NOF multiparty communication complexity, even just for 3 players?
Graph Theory
1. How many bicliques are necessary to cover every edge of $K_n$ between 1 and 2 times? The best bounds are $\sqrt{n-1} \leq \text{bp}_2(n) \leq 2\sqrt{n} - 2$ from [1, 2].
Proof Complexity
1. What are some additional consequences of having an optimal proof system?
3. Can you modify Ajtai's model theoretic approach to $\text{AC}^0$-Frege lower bounds to drop the switching lemma?
4. Achieve size lower bounds for the Lovasz-Schrijver proof system.
5. Separate $\text{PLS}^{dt}$ from the $\textbf{TFNP}^{dt}$ class associated with unary Sum-of-Squares.
6. Characterize Extended Frege in $\textbf{TFNP}^{dt}$.
7. Give black-box separations of $\textbf{TFNP}$ classes $\text{PLC}$ and $\text{UPLC}$. As well, show that Ramsey is not contained in the Turing closure of PPP.
8. Give conditional lower bounds for Fermat's Little Theorem in full bounded arithmetic ($\textbf{S}_2$). Currently, we know that Fermat's Little Theorem is not provable in $\textbf{S}^1_2$ unless factoring is easy.
Computational Complexity
1. Disprove the nondeterministic strong exponential time hypothesis.
2. Assuming $\textbf{P} \neq \textbf{NP}$, show that there is an injective worst case one way function in $\textbf{NC}^1$. (It is known that this is not possible for a worst case one way permutation unless $\textbf{NP} = \textbf{coNP}$).
3. Show that for RAMs, $\textbf{DTIME}(n) \subsetneq \textbf{NTIME}(n)$
Computational Geometry
1. Can every convex polyhedron be unfolded onto the plane without any faces overlapping? See [4] for more details.
[1] N. Alon, Neighborly families of boxes and bipartite coverings, The Mathematics of Paul
Erd¨os, R.L. Graham and J. Nesteril, Springer Verlag, Vol. 2, Berlin, pp. 27 – 31, 1997.
[2] Huang, Hao, and Benny Sudakov. "A counterexample to the Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture and related problems." Combinatorica 32.2 (2012): 205-219.
[3] Ben-Sasson, Eli, and Avi Wigderson. "Short proofs are narrow—resolution made simple." Proceedings of the thirty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. 1999.
[4] Uehara, Ryuhei. Introduction to Computational Origami. Springer Singapore, 2020.
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